Be A Model!

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You can upload your Portfolio video. Max size allowed 100MB. File type supported mp4, avi, mkv, mov

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You can add up to 5 Photos. Max Filesize 5MB


                                                                                                             Terms and Conditions

The Model hereby irrevocably consents to and authorizes (the “Authorization”) the use of the Photographs, Videos and Information provided by the Model to Facelift Advent LLP.

The Model hereby consents to and authorizes the use of the Photographs by the Facelift Advent LLP and the Facelift Advent LLP’s authorized representatives, licensees, successors, and assigns for any purpose whatsoever including without limitation: sale, reproduction in all media, publication, display, broadcast and exhibition for promotion, advertising, trade, art or illustration.

You are accepting the above terms and conditions by clicking the Submit Form button. 

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